I have a perpetual cycle that I go through when reading books: first, I spend a month or two with magazines: Entertainment Weekly and Glamour, specifically. Once I grow bored of that, I move on to chick-lit types of books and then eventually onto the more "high-brow" books when I feel like I need to actual learn something or spend my time becoming more cultured (that's the only reason I've read things such as Catcher in the Rye and The Red Badge of Courage...which, I'd like to congratulate my wonderful schools for allowing me to have 4 years of advanced English AND and English degree but it took reading the Shopaholic series to get me to ready Catcher in the Rye.)
So. I'm currently on my Chick Lit month and I've just read one of the funniest books I've encountered in a long time: Bright Lights, Big Ass by Jen Lancaster. Hilarious. To the point where I had to stop and compose myself on the bus this morning before someone thought I was having a seizure trying not to laugh.
This woman is hilarious. Read it--you'll love it. And just TRY not to laugh when you read about her exploding out of her pants after working out. I dare you.
I'm off to Amazon to buy her other book (Bitter is the New Black) right now. Because I just can't get enough. Good thing she has a blog too.
Other classics that we did not read at NCHS: The Scarlett Letter, scads of Shakespeare, Of Mice and Men, Farenhiet 451, Great Expectations, The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre, any Hemmingway....shall I go on?
Seriously. I think I've finally read most of that now...but it took college to get there.
I also read The Sun Also Rises on my own. Totally good.
Silly high school.
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