Liz and I went to the Museum of Modern Ice yesterday after work. While it only takes about 5 minutes to see the whole thing, it was really neat. I kind of wish it was a warm day--I'd love to see how it would change if was melting.
Pretty cool. It ends tomorrow so high-tail it over to Millennium Park to check it out before it's gone.
So I've added a new feature to my blog--a listing of movies that I've seen in 2008. I can't quite figure out how to hide it behind a link but until it gets to be overwhelming, I'll leave it as is.
I have...let's say eclectic taste so it'll be an interesting list. :)
Oh, and I totally stole this idea from a blog I ran into by trolling the internet. Unfortunately I can't remember whose it was so...thank you random blog person with the list of movies idea!
So, I apparently don't write here anymore. Sorry 'bout that.
I have learned something really weird about myself--I read WAY TOO MUCH into my crossword puzzle answers. I do one pretty much every morning and get weird joy out of some of the answers. And don't like it when I get (what my mind deems) "bad" answers.
I'd give examples but I haven't had anything too off-putting lately. :)
Although the first answer to one puzzle this week made me smile. The clue? Move up and down on the water
Here's my 12 of 12 for February 2008. And thanks to Chad for the idea!
(and thanks to my mom who calls to remind me on the 11th of each month. :)
It's a pretty heavy Sadie-based day. But what else is there to take a photo of at 2:30 in the morning? (well, besides the clock)
2:53am: Since Miss Sadie got an earlier-than-normal walk last night, she woke me up extra early to go out. Not wanting to let her think that she has the option of going inside, I pull myself out of bed and get her outside. Now I know to make sure she gets a walk after 8pm no matter if she's already asleep or not. She wakes me up? I can wake her up.
3:22am: I'm still awake. And it smells strongly of chorizo in my apartment. The downstairs neighbor (who works nights) must be cooking. Sadie's checking out the action on the street. There's not much.
6:18am: The alarm goes off. It's too early for both of us after our middle-of-the night "adventure"
8:03am: At work, looking back at the bridge I just crossed by my office. It's very near the commuter train station so there are always tons of people crossing it.
8:14am: My desk, ready for another day of work. Toast and water for breakfast while checking out the Oscar nominees to see what movies I need to catch before the broadcast. I'm woefully behind.
9:58am: I just created my Oragami-a-day piece for the 12th.'s kind of lame. You can see the "puppy card" in the background from sometime in January.
12:22pm: Lunch. 2:36pm: It's snowing. AGAIN. I'm over winter and the snow/melt/snow/ice/snow thing that Chicago's got going on right now.
3:08pm: Posting some photos from the auto show. Bob and I took a day off of work yesterday and went to check out the show. Fun!
5:46pm: On the way home from work on the el. It's a little more empty than normal.
7:13pm: Played a scratch-off ticket to see if I could win thousands of $$. Alas. Nothing.
9:09pm: Bob's pissed. Sorry man but the biggest guys will NOT always win.
There you go! We got another 3 inches or so of snow so my evening was spent mostly under the covers watching TV. This doesn't lead to the most interesting 12 of 12 (especially on a workday!) . Check out other people's days here.
Now, I'm not very politically-minded, but I am very excited about the elections that are coming up. There is a new wave going through the US providing us with some hope for change and hope that our current state in the world can be healed.
It snowed a here in Chicago yesterday--around 6 inches I think. While I'm sure it's a bit annoying for those with cars to clear off and sidewalks to shovel, I find a big snowstorm really fun. It's so pretty!
I had to resist the urge to do a snow angel on the way to the bus this morning. Only the knowledge that I'd be sitting in wet jeans for hours stopped me from plopping down in the snow at 7am this morning.
Sadie's LOVING the snow. She bounces around in the snow stopping every once in a while to eat a big bite of it. Every time we go outside she ends up with a snow-beard by the time we get back inside. I took a video of her running around but she was too fast for the camera. I figured if I posted it anyone that would watch it would get sick from the camera moving back and forth so quickly.
In other randomness, I tried a new body-wash this morning and I HATE the smell of it. And I can't make it go away as it was the only soap I had so it's all over my body. Ugh. I've GOT to find something else by tomorrow.