Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So I'm now gainfully employed. I have to say, it feels really good.

My first day was yesterday, and while it was all training and HR stuff, just being in the corporate setting again was good for me. During my time off, there were days that I was totally fine and happy, but the majority of the time I was depressed and my confidence just fell every day. Too much time alone and in my head, maybe? It was not good. I'm definitely the type that needs to work. I enjoy getting up and going into the office and saying hello to people and sitting at my computer to check e-mail. I feel better about myself and my confidence starts to grow again. It's just all-around better for me. So...hurrah! Back to work.

Today is Day 2 and I'm just sitting here waiting for it to be 8:15 so I can leave. Bob and I haven't really coordinated our morning schedules yet, so we stuck to the old one where I left at 7:15. I'm kind of hoping that my new hours are 8-4 so that'll stay the same, but I don't know yet what times I'll be working...I just know that today I should get in at 9. :)

Yay to Day 2!

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