Thursday, July 19, 2007

Emmy Nominations

So, the 2007 Primetime Emmy Nominations were annouced this morning and once again, it seems I'm watching some very poor-quality shows. Not that this was surprising!

My favorite nominations?

Outstanding Choreography: SYTYCD Ramalama (bang bang) Amazing dance that everyone is STILL talking about from last season. Yay them!

Outstanding Original Song & Lyrics: "Dick in a Box" from JT & SNL and "Everything Comes Down to Poo" from Scrubs. Not because of the "outstandingness" of either of them, but just because when it's announced, the presenter will have to actually say poo. And because I enjoyed Dick in a Box. Mostly for the costumes and the dancing though.

Supporting Actor in a Drama: Masi Oka as Hiro in Heroes. Heroes needed more love, but I'm glad that Masi Oka got some recognition. I'd have preferred an outstanding casting Emmy, but whatevs.

In other news, it rained last night. A lot.

And Sadie says "Hi!"

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