Thursday, July 19, 2007


The irresponsibility of some people drives me CRAZY!! UGH! I can't understand how when you have so little responsibility in your life that you can shirk one of the two things you have to do. Especially to someone who has had your back through it all.

AND THEN to be all passive aggressive and blame that person for the fight in the first place!!! HELLO? If you hadn't SCREWED UP then we wouldn't be having this discussion at all!!

AHH! And to think that I double-checked to make sure that I could proceed without error and got the okay.

Now I'M screwed and it's not my fault.

Except I'm at fault for trusting someone that has proved over and over again that they can't be trusted.

I'm so over it. OVER IT.

People suck sometimes. I need to remove the bad people from my life and live in a world of happiness and trust and responsibility.

It's not that hard, man. You're 33. You should know how to deal with this stuff by now.


I need to punch something. (or someone)

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