Monday, July 23, 2007

Smoke the Bone Mystery 2007

Yesterday was the annual "Smoke the Bone" rib cook off at Lemmings and it was a lot of fun, as usual. There were 17 entries this year and tons of additional pot luck items to nosh on while the ribs were cooking.

As usual, unless you cooked ribs you probably weren't going to get to taste any, but lucky for me, Chris brought in a sample for those of us non-grillers.
(Hee. Chris looks silly here)

And now the mystery...because of a disqualification (don't tell the judges what's in your sauce, silly!) the numbers were all moved up one, so if you were #8 before, now you're #7. The problem? Well, after sitting at a bar and cooking ribs and drinking beers for 7 hours, some people didn't quite get the memo about the number adjustment. So the winner was either this guy (Josh):
Or this guy (Paul):
My money's on Paul.
The judges:
The grillers/smokers/rib cookers in action:

Jeff announcing the winner with Cox presenting the trophy:

It was a fun day and for the first time in 3 years, my food was all eaten! Hurrah! Thanks to mom and Gramma for the Lonnie's Blintzes recipe.

The rest of my weekend consisted of wine and Harry Potter (#1) on Friday and a fun party at The Spot with Jamie and the POC (totally a new rap group) on Saturday. Photos of that are on Facebook. Be my friend and maybe you can see them! :)

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