Monday, June 16, 2008

Taste Like Home

After a very nice comment from Geggie in my last post, I clicked through to check out her site and ran across a project that she's participating in that sounds kind of cool.

Basically it's a local foodstuff product swap--you pick out some local goodies and send them off to someone else somewhere else in the word (or just the country) and you get some stuff in return. It sounds really cool, but I have a concern:

What's local to Chicago? I mean besides Frangos and Pizza? :) I think I want to participate, but I don't have a very good idea of what to send off. Do any of you reading out there have any suggestions? I'm more than willing to head off to a farmer's market and find some things, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what's Chicago-like that I can mail.

Ideas? Help!


Bryna said...

Unnaturally green relish for hot dogs.

Geggie said...

Garret's Popcorn and Nuts on Clark. Or any local honey. I'm going to be sending goodies from Chicago, too.

Does Ann Sather sell any packaged goods? I totally think you should participate.

Amanda said...

yay! Thanks for the ideas. I can't believe that I forgot about garret's!!

And that green relish should totally be included. It's...insane.