Moving is Fun
Ah moving. What a FUN process, huh?
It actually went really well. The movers showed up around 8:30 (30-minutes late) and proceeded to pack up all of my stuff in under an hour. And I have a LOT of stuff. We then went to Bob's place, loaded up his stuff (minus the cats) and then headed to the new place. After figuring out how to open the (already unlocked) garage door, they uploaded all of our stuff and were on there way.
Total time: about 3 hours. Incredible. My movers are the BEST.
Bob and I made a couple more trips to his place to clean up a bit and pick up the cats and some odds and ends. The cats were NOT PLEASED with the move. Marbles glared at us from the bathroom sink.
While Jinx scared the bejeezes out of us by opening up a cabinet (talented!) and hiding under the sink. Who knew cats could open doors?
We've now been in the new place for a few days and are mostly unpacked. The pictures are from Saturday morning so I'll have to take some newer ones soon. Since these pictures were taken we've been to IKEA and gotten rid of more stuff.
Side note: it's amazing to me how much stuff I can get rid of AFTER I move. Wouldn't it be easier to not move the stuff in the first place???
So, here's the kitchen. Notice the pot rack! Wee! I love the pot-rack. I'm fairly certain there's a cat on the counter as well. The cats and the dog are learning to like each other, but for now they hide on window sills, under chairs, and on the kitchen counter.
Here's a pic from the doorway of the kitchen looking back into the front room(s).
This mess is the main bedroom, pre-dresser. There's a huge closet, which is nice. Especially now that I have to share!
Here's the front room. Yes I own pink fuzzy slippers and a stuffed dog. Both of which are hiding in the back of the closet by now.
And here's the second bedroom, otherwise known as Sadie's room. Until the animals all get along, Sadie spends a good amount of time here. Hopefully they'll all be able to be out at night together soon since she has to be caged during the day as well. That's a lot of time to be trapped up into one place.
And there's the mini-tour! We're getting close to putting it all away and have been exhausted for the last few days, but it's totally worth it. The new place is FAB. :)
New pictures soon!
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