I've been tagged my Miss Jamie! It's my first tag, and I feel special. :)
Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. If you don’t have 7 blog friends, or if someone else already took dibs, then tag some unsuspecting strangers.
1) I was once cornered by a bear. Like, a wild bear. I was camping in New Mexico (Philmont) and during one of our treks, we were walking through a crevase-like area where we would each walk/climb down some rocks toward the water and then back up to the trail. The space was only big enough for about one person, and I was about the 3rd or 4th person to go down. Once I was at the bottom (like, 4 steps), we heard some rustling in the woods and a bear comes charging down the hill at me. It sees me and stops about 4 feet away, essentially trapping me against a stone wall and between two fairly steep hills. No where to go. I was completely frozen but luckily the other people in my group knew what to do--they started screaming. This scared the bear off and it turned around and ran off. I found out after he was gone that it was a little bear and that there was a mama or papa bear just behind him. I'm kind of glad that I didn't see the older one!
2) I once had pink hair in college. I died it for halloween, not really caring that it said semi-permanent hair coloring. I guess assuming that it would wash out? Since this was before Pink and Gwen Stefani, and after the 80s, I was a little self-conscious about it so I tried washing it with EVERTHING. Tide, dish soap, bar soap, anything. By mid-late November is was still a little pink, and there was a pink tinge to it until about Easter. But my hair on Halloween was AWESOME. Multiple people asked me where I got my wig.
3) I have a lot of siblings. My parents got divorsed when I was 6 and both got remarried so I have a sister, 2 step-sisters, a step-brother, and 2 half-brothers. That's seven of us, if you're counting. And now they're all having babies and stuff so my immediate family is pretty large.
4) Most of my teeth are fake. Well, kind of. I have crowns on all but 2 of my molars. I think this is beacuse I never got wisdom teeth and never had braces so I avoided all of the teenage teeth trauma.
5) I've never broken a bone or spent time the hospital (that I can recall). I was admitted a few times when I was under 2, but since then, I've been really healthy. Knock on wood. but I have THOUGHT that I broke my foot twice. The ER people very nice told me that I was mistaken and to go home and rest up.
6) I can remember my phone number from when I was 3 but I can't remember my phone number now. I have to look it up on my phone.
7) I'm an english major and only read 3 books in college from start to finish (Uncle Tom's Cabin, Frankenstein, and O! Pioneers). I've pretty good and finding quotes for papers by just flipping through the book. I OWN a lot of classics though...I just haven't read them yet. It's part of my massive to-do list that also contains scrapbooking 2004-2008 and cleaning out my files.
That's it! I don't have that many friends that blog so I'll just tag those that do and hope that those of you that read this in silence (lurkers!) will come out of the woodwork and leave your 7 in the comments. Or self-tag?
I know the rules say I should randomly tag, but that scares me. I'm totally a lurker too.
So my tags are:
Erin at Milwaukee High Life
Bryna at Zeena Prcelina
Gail at Rantings in G Minor