Seriously. The bus is crazy.
I forgot something to read this morning so I spent about 30 minutes watching the people on the bus from behind my sunglasses and my ipod. Two things that I noticed:
1) A woman in her 50s that had a slight she-mullet that was reddish-orange on top and dark, dark brown in the back. It looked like she stuck a wig on top of a full head of hear.
2) A women that had a pair of SHORTS tied around her neck like it was a preppy prepster sweater. SHORTS. Blue and white striped shorts with a drawstring (no the drawstring wasn't tied around her neck as well)
And both of these people were fairly normal. Neither were those people that usually sit along because they either talk to themselves or put off this vibe of crazy. Just normal, 50ish women riding the bus...somewhere. During rush-hour.
I'm pretty sure there were others but I can't recall right now. I was so transfixed by the shorts lady that I couldn't concentrate on anything else for about 10 minutes. I wish I had the guts to take a camera phone picture of that.
Oh, and go to the clipper tomorrow night. We're gonna rock it out. L might even dance with a cowboy again.
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