Schmap contacted me a few weeks ago asking if they could use one of my Germany pictures on their site. I said sure and they picked it! It's not my favorite photo from that trip, but it's pretty cool that they're willing to put it on their site. :) It's a photo of Old City Hall.
I've put a link on the side-bar if you want to check it out!
So I did the video apartment tour this morning. It's just under 2 minutes and doesn't have sound if you want to check it out. It's my first real attempt at making a useful video so I hope I don't make any viewers seasick! :)
And really, how does YouTube pick the cover image of the video? The one on this one is just silly. You'd think it'd be the first image, right?
So I took a whole bunch of photos of the apartment this morning. And they're all blurry. I guess I should try taking pictures with the flash on and NOT at 6am. I wasn't totally awake. :)
There were also a LOT of pics so I think I'm going to try a walking tour of the place this evening--it might be easier to tell where everything is.
So I leave you with the newest Sadie photo. She followed me around and was in about 50% of the pictures I took this morning so I had to stop and take a portrait of her lounging on the bed. You can't see here, but her back legs are all splayed out behind her and the blanket she's laying on is (fake) fur. Spoiled little princess, I think.
First, it was Gail's birthday on Sunday so we had drinks on Friday. Much fun was had. No pictures (um...thankfully, I think).
Saturday Terri, Chris and I went to Cleo's to visit Liz. Then Terri introduced me to the joy that is Trader Joe's. Seriously? Love it. My new favorite grocery store!
Sunday? This happened: It's so pretty and shiny! Bob and I had steak last night and it was delicious. We're going to have a great summer with this little baby in our backyard! Come on by! Grill up some food stuffs! Yay!
Last night Bob and I went to go see one of his friends play at a bar. "Dwayne" and "Zane" form Bear Head, and they were playing with a number of other bands at the US Beer Company. (Random side note: their names are actually Dillon and Zack, but with my horrible memory for names, I was calling Dillon Dwayne for a few weeks after I first met him. It turned into a joke, so by the time I met his brother, we immediately have him a name as well. Thus, Zane. The fun part is that they refer to themselves and Dwayne and Zane when they play. Makes me feel special. :) )
They only played for 30 minutes, but it was pretty cool. They're both really talented musicians so it was fun just watching them play. And this tool played later in the evening. On the bar. Tool.
The bar was just ok. Kind of skeevy and set up strangely. And the bathrooms were disgusting. I took pictures of them as well but won't post them here. No one needs to see an icky bathroom.
Bob got free tickets to the Cubs game last night so I rushed home from work and we headed out to the game. It was really fun (even though they didn't win).
It rained most of the time but they never called the game. We left just after the 7th inning stretch (Simon LeBon! Duran Duran!) and got home around 9:30.
I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I have a couple!
Yay! 12 of 12 time! Since last time I'm moved into a new apartment, so while the pictures are still pretty boring (it was a work day) at least I have some new backgrounds!
7:05am, Kitchen: Sadie is still enthralled with the cats and can't understand why they don't want to be licked all the time. Marbles and Jinx basically live on window sills and counter tops these days. Here's Sadie trying to get to Marbles while Marbles just jumps to another counter.
7:08am, Kitchen: Trying to figure out what to bring for lunch. As you'll see later, it's not very exciting. And none of it's from the multiple pieces of tupperware (aka leftovers) that you can see in the fridge.
7:16am, Front Door: I'm just leaving for work now. My commute is shorter these days so I can leave a bit later. When we first moved in I was leaving at 7am; now it's 7:15. I figure in the next month I'll eventually be leaving around 7:45. Unfortunately that doesn't mean I can sleep in though--the bathroom schedule is pretty tight! 7:28am, Division Blue Line Stop: I've finally made it to the el. It's a nice walk now, but I imagine I'll be cursing it when it's 20 below and there's a foot of snow! All along the way there are bars and restaurants and cute little boutiques so there are many temptations to lure me in! I've resisted thus far--hopefully I can keep it up! 7:47am, Mercantile Exchange (aka Work): I've made it to work. My office is at the Merc in Chicago. They've recently transferred most of the traders to the Stock Exchange so the lobby is pretty quiet these days.
10:54am, My Desk: Look! I did work! We had a meeting about some new projects for California. You can also see my origami of the day in the background--it was an owl, which was kind of tough. His beak is a little warped...
12:40am, My Desk: Lunch. Frozen meal, Cracker Jack, and a Diet Mountain Dew. Our new vending service only stocks a few Diet Cokes at a time so I have to resort to the Dew once in a while. Not great--but better than Diet Pepsi! (Side note: I've had MANY conversations about how diet coke drinkers are very strict on how they like their pop (yes, POP! I'm from Chicago), whether it's in a can or bottle, over ice, etc. And how most diet coke drinkers do NOT like diet pepsi and won't drink it. Fascinating, I know. But I totally get it.
5:56pm, Division St: The rest of my day was meetings and work. No pictures there (dull). Now I'm walking home from work. As it gets warmer, more and more of the restaurants have seating outside down Division. It's a bit chilly today (around 55 degrees) so there are not many people out, but the restaurants are ready for them!
6:40pm, Family Room: We bought Mario Kart for the Wii yesterday. FUN! I came home to find that Bob had already played a bit and unlocked a new race set. It's time for me to pick up my game and try to keep up with him. This is Bob playing--thus the 1st place ranking. I tend to fall around 3rd to 4th place for now.
7:50pm, Bedroom: Now that it's warmer, I've decided to pack my sweaters away and get out the summer wear. Hopefully it'll stay warm enough so that I don't have to go digging for something woolly anytime soon.
9:04pm, Family Room: Chocolate Pudding and watching the Cubs trounce the Padres. (12-3? YEAH!). A good end to the day.
9:08pm, Family Room: Bob give Marbles a taste of pudding. I had NO IDEA that cat's tongue was so long. Yeesh. That's it! I hope you all join me next month!
It actually went really well. The movers showed up around 8:30 (30-minutes late) and proceeded to pack up all of my stuff in under an hour. And I have a LOT of stuff. We then went to Bob's place, loaded up his stuff (minus the cats) and then headed to the new place. After figuring out how to open the (already unlocked) garage door, they uploaded all of our stuff and were on there way.
Total time: about 3 hours. Incredible. My movers are the BEST.
Bob and I made a couple more trips to his place to clean up a bit and pick up the cats and some odds and ends. The cats were NOT PLEASED with the move. Marbles glared at us from the bathroom sink.
While Jinx scared the bejeezes out of us by opening up a cabinet (talented!) and hiding under the sink. Who knew cats could open doors? We've now been in the new place for a few days and are mostly unpacked. The pictures are from Saturday morning so I'll have to take some newer ones soon. Since these pictures were taken we've been to IKEA and gotten rid of more stuff.
Side note: it's amazing to me how much stuff I can get rid of AFTER I move. Wouldn't it be easier to not move the stuff in the first place???
So, here's the kitchen. Notice the pot rack! Wee! I love the pot-rack. I'm fairly certain there's a cat on the counter as well. The cats and the dog are learning to like each other, but for now they hide on window sills, under chairs, and on the kitchen counter.
Here's a pic from the doorway of the kitchen looking back into the front room(s). This mess is the main bedroom, pre-dresser. There's a huge closet, which is nice. Especially now that I have to share! Here's the front room. Yes I own pink fuzzy slippers and a stuffed dog. Both of which are hiding in the back of the closet by now. And here's the second bedroom, otherwise known as Sadie's room. Until the animals all get along, Sadie spends a good amount of time here. Hopefully they'll all be able to be out at night together soon since she has to be caged during the day as well. That's a lot of time to be trapped up into one place. And there's the mini-tour! We're getting close to putting it all away and have been exhausted for the last few days, but it's totally worth it. The new place is FAB. :)