Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I'm still recouping after last weekend's debauchery. Oof.

I spent Saturday and Sunday in the 'burbs with friends from high school--some of which I haven't seen since high school. And then I drank too much. Not pretty. I'm FAIRLY sure I didn't embarrass myself too much, but I'm not the best judge of character when I've been drinking. I DO know that I was loud. Which is par for the course.

It was a good time. And, amazingly, I didn't take any pictures. I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't, but I was busy wrangling Sadie around all of the people and then I just plain forgot. There are some out there somewhere. I'll try to find some and share them.

In other news, I finally finished watching The O.C. Now it's on to Nip/Tuck! I'm so behind...

1 comment:

Bryna said...

I am patiently awaiting dish about the reunion from Christy....any tidbtis?